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In the current global conditions, businesses are faced with critical decisions to help them survive and deal with many uncertainties. Chief among these is the demand for incisive talent management decisions.

Chinese sage Lao Tzu is quoted as saying that ‘if you don’t know where you’re going, you may end up where you’re headed’.

The turmoil created by the Global Financial Crisis and other calamities continues to test the resolve of many organisations. It’s hardly surprising to see many organisations reviewing their strategy and direction and/or refocus on areas where their performance has missed the mark. For most it will require a paradigm shift in performance thinking.

Donald Tosti, a noted researcher and practitioner states that “fundamentally, every organisation is a human performance organisation.” In many cases are own efforts to address the situation of poor performance leads us to knee-jerk reaction thinking that ‘training’ is the universal panacea. This approach is fundamentally wrong and can lead to incorrect talent decisions, and with significant cost. The wastage factor in training expenditure is currently measured at around 80%. This means that even the best training is only having a 20% impact.

This situation begs a response to 2 vital questions.

1. How do we effectively sift out the real information we need to manage our talent?
2. How do we address our talent issues and challenges?
3. How can we develop leaders and teams who deliver consistent performance?

The CPC Approach

The Chalon Performance Consulting (CPC) approach is underpinned by the simple premise; that all organisations are tasked with achieving a desired level of Performance. Individuals, teams and scarce resources are brought together and engaged in activity to produce required outcomes.

However, as we have seen on numerous occasions, the achievement of these outcomes is not guaranteed. Performance is elusive and if not controlled, can bring disastrous results. Add to this the complexities of increasing competition, globalisation, diversity, complex structures, size, technology, political situation, talent supply and demand factors, and the drivers for performance problems become very evident.

The type of performance outcomes for any particular organisation will depend on the type of business, and the products, services and locations in which it operates. What is common to all is that desired performance levels must be planned, managed and achieved.

We have learned from many years of practice and experience with myriad organisations in different locations, is that some things don’t change when it comes to delivering performance. It is this fact that lead to the development of CPC Framework. These are the core elements which must be set up, developed and utilised effectively to produce desired performance.

The CPC Framework & the 5 Key Dimensions (CPC-F)

The CPC-F depicts the 5 key dimensions as inter-linked and interdependent. They provide the basis for determining whether a company is focused, fully competent and performing in all 5 key dimensions, or there is room for improvement.

The CPC-F may also be used to leverage higher performance levels through what we term, performance enhancement capability. This process ensures that organisations stay at the forefront of their markets and lead the competition.

We have empirically tested our framework and proved that these core elements of performance, strategy, change, leadership and team, are crucial to the continued success of all organisations.


Figure 1. The CPC Framework

CPC Framework – definition of terms

Simply stated, the path to performance requires competent development and uncompromised practice in these 5 key dimensions. The CPC-F may also be applied as a diagnostic tool to analyse performance issues.

Performance – usually stated as operational systems and processes, objectives and actions. These in turn are interpreted into core processes and Value Chain that delivers the required outcomes for the business.

Strategy – is the strategic intent of the organisation, expressed as the vision, mission, core values and key goals. This is vital to shape direction, align systems and galvanise the people within the organisation. Execution of good strategy is vital too. Poor execution has led to as much as 40% reduced value of the strategy.

Change – is almost always required to shift direction and react to issues and trends as they emerge. An organisation that cannot handle necessary change to capitalise on capabilities and trends is doomed. We know that more than 70% of change efforts fail. Change management is key.

Leadership – is the chief driver of strategy and change. Leaders must be ‘sense-makers’ and energisers with the skills and ability to take organisations through tough and demanding times as well as build sustaining cultures.

Team – talent is everywhere but it must be carefully and sensibly deployed and nurtured to get the best results. The individuals and teams that do the work in organisations must be carefully managed to deliver sustained performance. Talent management is a foremost challenge for most organisations, globally.

The CPC Difference

Our key point of difference is the way in which we apply the powerful CPC Framework. We maximise the use of proven methodologies, concepts and tools to diagnose an organisation’s performance issue/s and provide a timely, purpose-designed solution.

The Chalon Performance Consulting framework is readily applied in the following situations where a performance issue may be addressed.

1. Performance Improvement (PI) – a problem that requires improvement to a desired standard
2. Performance Enhancement (PE) – a need to develop an existing performance level to a higher standard

Typically we deal with PI needs before tackling the PE opportunities. We perform this work on a structured basis using the methodology below.

Diagnosis is vital and our powerful Chally talent management system leads the way in this arena. It is based on credible research using actuarial science to improve accuracy in talent assessment to a 5 Sigma level. We also use the acclaimed TMS  suite of profiles, proprietary tools and surveys to precisely diagnose issues and challenges.

The CPC 3-Step Methodology

The following 3 steps ensure consistent application of the CPC Framework above.

Analysis & Diagnosis – We carefully gather and analyse information to ascertain the real performance issue is identified accurately.

Customised Solution Delivery – from our diagnosis we design and provide the customised solution for the performance level desired (PI or PE) by applying the CPC Framework and an empirically proven range of skills, tools and techniques, to address the situation.

Evaluation & Conclusion – a structured and tailored delivery of the solution addresses the needs identified. Our unique review system then evaluates the solution to ensure both transfer and desired performance is achieved. The project typically concludes with real ROI achieved.

A key point to note is that training is not the only solution to performance problems. There are times when the ‘system’ and other factors may be contributing to the problems. Our approach highlights this and ensures we address the right issues accurately, decisively and promptly.

Performance – Research & Principles

There are many eminent contributors in the field of performance improvement. They each have their own preferences as to the terminology used to describe human performance elements. CPC consultants consistently follow the professional Standards laid down by the International Society for Performance Improvement. This ensures a rigorous compliance with the core elements of the ISPI standards;

R Focus on Results
S Take a System view
V Add Value
P Establish Partnerships

CPC simply does not take on a project where these standards cannot be adhered to. Furthermore, CPC applies the ISPI standards, in a form that we find practical, useful and powerful. We also remain solution-neutral in dealing with issues and challenges. Our careful diagnostic approach ensures we do not react in knee-jerk style. We solve real talent management issues and challenges. We help our clients to achieve tangible, sustainable performance.
