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consistent performance

How to Achieve Consistent Performance: A Guide for Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) with CPC 

The journey of an entrepreneur is exciting, but fraught with challenges. A report by Forbes Advisor paints a concerning picture: over half of small businesses cut costs in 2022. This highlights the ongoing struggle with achieving consistent performance, a key ingredient for long-term success.  Inconsistent performance can erode customer trust, hinder growth, and ultimately threaten…

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Navigating Change: Why SMEs Struggle and How to Overcome It

Change is inevitable. However, for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), embracing change can pose unique challenges. From limited resources to fear of disruption, SMEs often find themselves grappling with the complexities of change management. Let’s explore five common reasons why SMEs struggle with change management and provide actionable tips to help them navigate through it…

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upskilling and reskilling

Upskilling and Reskilling: Examples for the Future-Proof Workforce 

Upskilling vs. Reskilling: Understanding the Difference  Upskilling refers to enhancing existing skills and knowledge within your area of expertise. This could involve learning new software, mastering advanced techniques, or deepening your understanding of industry trends.  Reskilling, on the other hand, implies acquiring entirely new skill sets to transition into a different area of focus within…

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Failing to Adapt to Change

Failing to Adapt to Change: A Performance Killer (and How to Get Back on Track) Change is not just inevitable, it’s essential for peak performance. Companies that cling to outdated practices and resist change risk falling behind competitors who embrace innovation and agility. The prevailing 70% failure rate of most organisational change initiatives adds pressure.…

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Building Business Capability: Navigate Your Course to Market Domination

Businesses need more than just grit and determination to succeed. They require robust business capability, a strategic blend of skills, processes, and resources that empower them to deliver exceptional value and achieve their aspirations.  Defining Your Business Capability Compass:  Think of business capability as your organisation’s unique roadmap to success. It encompasses core strengths like: …

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