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The Evolving Role of Middle Management in the Professional Landscape

The role of middle management is undergoing a significant transformation. Gone are the days when middle managers were seen as mere intermediaries between top-level executives and frontline employees. Instead, they are now becoming pivotal players in organisational success, driving employee satisfaction, performance, and overall well-being.  The Significance of Middle Managers  Middle managers have often been…

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Leading with Purpose: The Key to Professional Success and Fulfillment

Image Source: FreeImages‍  Professionals constantly seek ways to navigate challenges and achieve success without sacrificing their well-being. Traditional leadership models, such as servant leadership, have been crucial in promoting a more compassionate and human-centered approach to work. As the landscape evolves, it may be time for leaders to adapt and embrace a more impactful and…

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Embracing Uncertainty: Rita McGrath’s Discovery-Driven Growth

The traditional approach to strategic planning no longer guarantees success. As markets shift, technologies advance, and customer preferences change, organizations must learn to navigate the uncertainties and risks associated with growth and innovation. One of the groundbreaking concepts that has gained prominence in recent years is “Discovery-Driven Growth,” introduced by the esteemed business strategist and…

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