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Embracing Uncertainty: Rita McGrath’s Discovery-Driven Growth

The traditional approach to strategic planning no longer guarantees success. As markets shift, technologies advance, and customer preferences change, organizations must learn to navigate the uncertainties and risks associated with growth and innovation. One of the groundbreaking concepts that has gained prominence in recent years is “Discovery-Driven Growth,” introduced by the esteemed business strategist and…

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The Value of Professional Assistance in Assessing Your Business: Unlocking Growth Potential

Assessing the current state of your business is a critical undertaking that requires a comprehensive and objective approach. While it is possible to conduct this assessment internally, seeking professional help can significantly enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of the evaluation process. This article highlights the importance of professional assistance in assessing the current state of…

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10 Key Organizational Shifts for MSMEs

Today is world MSME day. According to the latest ASBFEO report, the economic contribution of small business to the Australian economy has topped half a trillion dollars. The value of small business to the economy surged by 15 per cent in 2021-22 to $506 billion and accounts for one-third of Australia’s GDP.  The report also…

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Leadership as Alignment Champions: Driving Success in SMEs

Leadership as Alignment Champions: Driving Success in SMEs

In the realm of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), leadership plays a crucial role in fostering organizational alignment. When leaders act as alignment champions, they create a strong foundation for success, driving the entire organization towards a shared vision and goals. In fact, research shows that SMEs with strong leadership alignment are more likely to…

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